Jobs, Scholarships, Awards

Published on 26th January 2010

1.DIAGEO AFRICA BUSINESS REPORTING AWARDS 2010 Launched to Celebrate African Journalism


Diageo, the world's leading premium drinks business, is today launching its annual Africa Business Reporting Awards.  Initiated by Diageo in 2004, the awards encourage more prolific business journalism within Africa in a drive to increase the continent's share of voice in the international media. The number of categories has been extended with sector-specific categories to reflect the important role that various industries play in economic development.


The awards ceremony will be held on 1 July, 2010 in Central London.  The closing date for entry is 26 March, 2010. Entries can be submitted online at:


The Award categories are as follows (entries can be on any platform - online, print, broadcast):


Best ICT feature A feature or series of related features delivered on any media platform (print, broadcast, online) that examines any aspect of the ICT sector in a thoughtful and engaging way. This might include, but is not limited to, telecommunications infrastructure, mobile, networking, security, cyber crime, e-learning, hardware, software, Internet.


Best Finance feature A feature or series of related features delivered on any media platform (print, broadcast, online) that examines any aspect of the finance/banking sector in a thoughtful and engaging way. This might include, but is not limited to, investment opportunities, retail banking, credit cards, corporate finance, mobile money, payment systems.


Best Infrastructure feature A feature or series of related features delivered on any media platform (print, broadcast, online) that examines any aspect of infrastructure (physical or otherwise) in a thoughtful and engaging way. Features addressing issues of energy and transport can enter this category. This might include, but is not limited to, infrastructure development projects, aviation, oil, roads, rail, energy.


Best Agribusiness / Environment feature A feature or series of related features delivered on any media platform (print, broadcast, online) that examines any aspect of agribusiness or environmental issues in a thoughtful and engaging way. This might include, but is not limited to, climate change, agriculture, food security, water management, farming, resource management.


Best Tourism feature A feature or series of related features delivered on any media platform (print, broadcast, online) that examines any aspect of the tourism industry in a thoughtful and engaging way. This might include, but is not limited to, hotels, eco-tourism, travel, 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa(tm).


Best use of New Media in a story A piece developed using new media (online digital photography, blogs, vodcasts, videos, podcasts or a mixture of these) that effectively supports a story about business or the economy in an African context. The topic is open, but use of new media must help deliver a fresh perspective that helps the audience engage with a story in a way not possible through traditional media alone. Entry must include a

live URL.


Best Business News story A news story or series of related stories delivered on any media platform (print, broadcast, online) that: Addresses a breaking news story from the time period of the awards; Answers all basic questions in a clear and balanced fashion; Demonstrates journalistic flair - a style that is engaging, though-provoking and accessible to its audience.


Best Business Feature story A feature or series of related features delivered on any media platform (print, broadcast, online) that: Examines business or the economy in an African context; Provides useful background material for readers to understand relevance; Gives bigger picture and importance to Africa, as well as specific issues it might be addressing; Brings the business and economy to life, while answering the serious questions


Best Newcomer A portfolio of three features (can be across different platforms) by a journalist who has been working as a reporter for less than five years. Proof of first date of accreditation will be required. Judges will be looking for overall quality of reporting, understanding of business issues and personal insights, as well as a commitment to sustained coverage of the business and economic climate in Africa, which serves to highlight opportunities as well as challenges


Media of the Year A print publication, broadcast programme/channel , website or blog that is a comprehensive resource for  its audience providing sustained coverage of Africa's business and economic news, issues and analysis (sector-specific or otherwise).Please submit a portfolio of five articles of no more than 5,000 words each, or five broadcast programmes, of no more than 3 hours in total. In addition to quality of reporting, balanced perspective, insight and analysis, judges will be looking for style and presentation, as well as outlets that are building a reputation amongst business and investor communities as a valued source of information about Africa.


Journalist of the Year A portfolio of three features (on any one or a mixture of media platforms) of no more than 5,000 words or 1 hour each. Submitted pieces can cover different topics, industries or people, or be part of a series of reportage.  As well as quality, style, presentation and a way of engaging the audience, judges will be looking for a commitment to sustained coverage of the business and economic climate in Africa which serves to highlight opportunities as well as challenges.




Discovery trends a Christian DVD rental shop needs a shop assistant.


The following are the qualifications of the required person.

1. Form Four C Constant and above

2. Must be living near on North View Road. Near pangani Executive Appartments.

3. Computer litrate.

4. Must be a born again Christian

5. Willing to work with Minimum Supervision.

6. Not over 25 years old.

7. Previous experience in running a shop will be an added advantage.


Please forward your CV  to "Doreen Mutyota"  as soon as possible. 




There are job openings for IT sales persons (willing to work in Kisumu, Eldoret, Nairobi) and Front Office Managers attached. I am also looking for chefs to start up ASAP. Any interested parties can please forward your C.V's to


Regards, Maureen. 




The MASDAR Institute of Science and Technology in Abu Dhabi is pleased to announce full scholarships to highly qualified graduate students from around the world for its Fall 2010 intake


The MASDAR Institute is the centerpiece of the MASDAR Initiative, a landmark program by the government of Abu Dhabi to establish an entirely new economic sector dedicated to alternative and sustainable energy. The MASDAR Institute is a private, not-for-profit, independent, research-driven institute developed with the support and cooperation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). MIT provides assistance in recruitment of faculty members and senior administrative staff and the provision of course curriculum, amongst other matters. The Institute is located inside the world’s first

carbon neutral, zero waste Masdar City which will be powered solely by alternative energy, mainly solar energy. Eighty-eight students from 22 countries were admitted into the Fall 2009 intake, all on full scholarships.


The Institute offers MSc programs, and in Fall 2010 is planning to start PhD programs in science and engineering disciplines, with a focus on advanced energy and sustainable technologies. It welcomes and encourages applications from qualified students and provides scholarships to talented students who meet its high admission standards.


Details of faculty profiles, current research, programs offered, course description, scholarships, and other information including an online application module is available at



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President, Palestine Branch

IASBA Inc, International

Mobile #: +970 599 088886

Tel #: +970 2 2967417





The Board of Directors of The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation hereby invite applications from suitably qualified and eligible Form One students for the year 2010 scholarships.


Applicants MUST meet the following criteria;


Be Kenyan citizens.

Have sat K.C.P.E in the year 2009 and obtained at least 350 marks. Note that preference will be given to pupils from public primary schools

Be of good discipline.

Be an orphan or a member of a family suffering extreme poverty

Have been admitted to Form 1 in a public secondary school



The scholarship will initially benefit the successful applicants for a period of one academic year on the basis of the student's academic performance, financial circumstances and discipline record.


The Foundation's Board will determine continued sponsorship for the remaining academic period.


In aggregate, the sponsorship will last for a period of four years from the year of award or until the beneficiary ceases to be a student in a Public Secondary School.


Application Procedure


Interested students can apply by filling 'The JKF Form One Scholarship application form for the year 2010' available on The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation website ( and District Education Offices countrywide.


The following support documents MUST be attached to the application form:


A certified copy of KCPE results slip.

A copy of Form one-admission letter/joining instructions.

Evidence of being an orphan or suffering from extreme poverty where applicable.

Application forms and support documents should be sent or hand delivered to the address below by 3rd February 2010:


The Managing Director,

The Jomo Kenyatta Foundation

Enterprise Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi.

P. O. Box 30533 - ooioo, Nairobi.

Email: scholarships @


We are ISO 9001 : 2008 certified




We wish to bring to your attention that Co-operative Bank is awarding Secondary School scholarships to students who sat for last year's KCPE exams but are unable to raise requisite school fees to join form one.


We therefore appeal to all of you, if you know of someone (parents) preferably associated (current or past) with a Co-operative Society who is in need of such assistance to contact Finnlemm offices ASAP.


At this point, they need to bring the following:


1) Result slip for 2009 KCPE

2) Copy of birth certificate

3) Form 1 admission, including fees structure

4) A brief statement indicating why the nominee/family is deemed needy and the Co-operative Society with which the parent(s) is/ were associated. 

5) Any other document (e.g payslip, death certificate, etc) which may aid the process.


Eligibility Requirements


The Co-operative Bank Provincial Delegates meeting, which is the Selection Committee, is looking for candidates who meet the following eligibility requirements:-


a. Student must have qualified with a minimum of 350 points in the standard eight final examinations.

b. Student must be from a needy family that is unable to support secondary education.

c. At least one of the parents of the student must be or have been a member of a Co-operative society.

d. Orphans will be eligible provided at least one of the deceased parents was a member of

a Co-operative Society.

e. Sponsorship is open for both public and private secondary schools provided that the fees payable per year do not exceed the sum of KSH 50,000/-


Terms of Sponsorship


The award is subject to the following terms and conditions:-


a. The sponsorship will be extended to 50 students per province in year 2010.

b. Out of the 50 students per province, at least 16 should comprise the girl child.

c. Out of the 50 students per province, at least two form the boy and girl should, where possible compromise the physically challenged.

d. Each student awarded the scholarship will be sponsored school fees, books and uniform, up to a maximum sum of 50,000/- per year.

e. The sponsorship fees will be for the entire secondary education i.e. from Form one to Form four.

f. School fees will be payable directly to the school and to the suppliers in case of books and uniforms.

g. The scholarship will be conditional upon the sponsored student maintaining consistent good performance, discipline and conduct in the four years of secondary education.

h. Children of Co-operative Bank employees, Bank delegates and Directors are excluded from participation in this programme.




Wood Avenue, 1ST Flr, Wood avenue court,

Off Argwings Kodhek rd, Kilimani

P.O Box 67666 - 00200, Nairobi.

TEL: 3865766, FAX: 3866048

WIRELESS: 0202394214/2394009

MOBILE: 0722607983, 0733208122



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