Africa Must Nurture a Culture of Responsibility

Published on 29th March 2011

Africa: In global village or global jungle? Graphics courtesy
The Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) is honored to be part of the provisional steering committee that has brought together over 50 African research institutions and think tank leaders to discuss China – Africa relations here in Nairobi. While other civilizations that have engaged the continent over the centuries dedicated time and resources to study the African people, African countries have not put in place efforts to analyze and seek to understand their partners such as the United States of America, Europe, China and other emerging economies. 

African people have been brought up to believe that they live in a global village. According to Professor Mwesiga Baregu of St. Augustine University based in Tanzania; Africans ought to distinguish the difference between a global jungle and a global village. In a village, people walk even at night because their security is assured, everyone knows and cares for the other. When one departs the village to the jungle, he/she has to be armed with a weapon or summon others to ensure security in numbers.  

A little peep into a 600 year history of Africa reveals a continent that has contributed slave labor (phase 1); territory through colonialism (phase 2) and raw materials (current phase). To quote Prof. Baregu: "Africans' natural resources have found a position and role in the global systems, but African people are yet to get a role in this system." African people have found themselves in a global jungle - but not a global village. 

To ensure safety in the global jungle; one has to have some idea of the type of animals, vegetation and general landscape. Without information, one might equip himself/herself with the wrong tools. One has to devise different techniques to fend off pythons, cobras, lions, elephants and small insects. It becomes crucial that Africa has to review its education and information systems if it has to bequeath relevant knowledge to its people to walk through the jungle.  

On the flipside; Africa may be said to be in a global village; where everyone cares for another as is depicted in foreign aid philosophy. This does not however insulate the African people from taking responsibility of their destiny. Villagers will point out that they have no respect for irresponsible people who surrender their roles to neighbors. Such peoples' names would not be given to new born babies as a clear indicator that villagers would never invest in reincarnating lethargy.  Unless a people learn to accept responsibility, it will be difficult to drive a given country to high quality of life and standards of living.

Whether in a global village or global jungle, Africa is ill equipped at the moment to realize her full potential through productivity. The operating system (software) on the continent has been that of waiting for others to fix things. I applaud the African thought leaders that took time off their busy schedule to take baby steps to discuss Sino-Africa relations. Whether in the village or the jungle, African people urgently require accurate information to navigate and realize their full potential. It is important to invest in African people and give them a chance to find a positive role in the global system.

China has knocked on the continent's door, and found traditional allies from Europe and U.S.A already seated in the African hut. In order to make an informed choice on how to host additional guests without jeopardizing the peace in the African hut, its urgent that time and resources be allocated to evaluate international systems and make an informed choice. You and I must seek to understand other civilizations.

By James Shikwati
The author [email protected]  is Director  of Inter Region Economic Network (IREN).

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