SIFE Kenya Hosts Forum on SME Development Strategies

Published on 14th June 2011

SIFE Kenya Hosts Forum on Small and Medium Sized Enterprise Development Strategies for Growth and Export

Venue: Africa Nazarene University
Date: June 18, 2011
Time: 10.00am – 3.00pm

Dr. Sharon T. Freeman will address SIFE Student representatives from 16 Kenyan SIFE affiliate universities on June 18, 2011 at African Nazarene University. Over 80 SIFE Student leaders, faculty advisors and business representatives will attend. “Dr. Freeman’s global experience will come in handy to equip SIFE students and our alumni with the tools to nurture productive and export oriented business leaders,” observes James Shikwati, SIFE Kenya Country Director and Founder Inter Region Economic Network (IREN).

Brief Bio: Dr. Sharon T. Freeman is a successful entrepreneur, social change champion, and innovative business development strategist. For nearly three decades, she has distinguished herself as a critical thinker, renowned researcher, and social scientist who has built strong relationships with leaders across the world. Dr. Freeman advises many development institutions, U.S. and global governments, and firms and organizations around the world. Dr. Freeman has written 17 books and published 14 since 1999. Having lived and worked in Hong Kong for 12 years, she is recognized as a leading expert on trade and development. Dr. Freeman holds a Ph.D. in Applied Management and Decision Sciences from Walden University and a Master of Science in Management, and undergraduate degrees in Psychology and History from Carnegie-Mellon University.

About SIFE Kenya: SIFE Kenya was launched in 2003 as a partnership between SIFE International and Inter Region Economic Network (IREN). SIFE is an international organization mobilizing university students around the world to make a difference in their communities while developing skills to be socially responsible business leaders. 38,000+ students, 1500+ teams in over 47 countries around the world are currently involved in SIFE.  SIFE Kenya vision is to be a leading catalyst in developing business ideas and leaders in Kenya. SIFE Kenya mission is to create partnership between business and higher education and equip students with innovative ideas that attract investment through community projects, knowledge sharing, and competition and ultimately nurture business leaders.

For Details Contact Zaina at or call 0202731497 this is event is by invitation only.

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