Dr. Sharon T. Freeman Addresses SIFE Kenya Students

Published on 21st June 2011

Dr. Sharon T. Freeman addressed SIFE Student representatives from 16 Kenyan SIFE affiliate universities on June 18, 2011 at African Nazarene University.

The event in pictures



Dr. Sharon T. Freeman is a successful entrepreneur, social change champion, and innovative business development strategist. For nearly three decades, she has distinguished herself as a critical thinker, renowned researcher, and social scientist who has built strong relationships with leaders across the world. Dr. Freeman advises many development institutions, U.S. and global governments, and firms and organizations around the world. Dr. Freeman has written 17 books and published 14 since 1999. Having lived and worked in Hong Kong for 12 years, she is recognized as a leading expert on trade and development. Dr. Freeman holds a Ph.D. in Applied Management and Decision Sciences from Walden University and a Master of Science in Management, and undergraduate degrees in Psychology and History from Carnegie-Mellon University.

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