The 9th SIFE Kenya National Business and Entrepreneurship Competition

Published on 5th July 2011

SIFE Kenya Announcement June 28, 2011

Event: The 9th SIFE Kenya National Business and Entrepreneurship Competition

Venue: Panafric Hotel, Nairobi

Date: July 9, 2011

Time: 7.00am - 4.30pm

For the last 8 years, Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE Kenya) has mentored over 4,000 university undergraduates on business leadership through community outreach projects and business competition. A team of 7 business leaders have volunteered their time to serve as members of SIFE Kenya Business Advisory Council to help "Create partnership between business and higher education and equip students with innovative ideas that attract investment, impact positively on the community and ultimately nurture business leaders."

One key component of SIFE Kenya activities is an annual business competition that helps identify which university had the highest impact in its outreach projects. The winning university then proceeds for an international business competition - this year, set for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in early October.

More than 500 students from 16 Kenyan public and private university SIFE tams will compete for the SIFE Kenya National Championship title. Over 35 judges from 25 companies have already confirmed participation. SIFE Judges drawn from the corporate sector will help establish a university with the highest impact in bringing positive economic change during the 2010 – 2011 IFE year as per the new SIFE International judging criteria.

SIFE was launched in Kenya in 2003 following an M.O.U between SIFE international and the Inter Region Economic Network (IREN). SIFE Kenya mobilizes university students to make a difference in their communities while developing their skills to be socially responsible business leaders.

SIFE International targets university students in over 1,500 universities in 47 countries. The Kenyan program has expanded from 5 universities in 2003 to the present 14. SIFE Kenya will open its doors to new university applicants to its program shortly after this year's national competition.

For more information, contact  James Shikwati, or Zaina Shisia

Tel. +254202731497 email

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