Inexcusable Corruption in Black Africa

Published on 5th March 2012

It is shameful that the “reasons” the Westernized African landed on the shores of the America' since the 16th Century should continue unresolved in 2012. We did not come to America on vacation, we were “Kidnapped”; ... remember? We were kidnapped with the help of our 'Own Kind' who benefitted from the business, for Centuries.

The continued Discrimination of the African American; …. The Bigotry, Lies, Gross and Unrelenting Disrespect, directed against the first Black African President of the United States of America, Barack Obama, exists simply because the African is not yet free of the weaknesses that caused our being exploited in the first place since the 16th Century.

The African can never be Free and 'duly' Respected, by Nations, foreign and International Cultures, if the African remains a self-hating people.

The majority African Americans remain as a confused and brainwashed people, similar to those that lived in the 18th and 19th Centuries. It is high time that the so-called emerging African free Nations be stabilized, sovereign and autonomous to the extent that they have the power to administer significant sanctions against European Nations including The United States of America if certain injustices continue to exist against the better welfare of their kidnapped and lost descendents of Africa.

Instead, the potential wealth and basic needs of the hungry and poverty stricken Continental  African, continues to be neglected, for the sake of ‘selfishly cursed leaders’ that are not satisfied with their positions as “Servant Leaders;” as bestowed upon them. To them I say; .....“The Opposite of Honor is Shame. It is “SHAMEFULNESS” compounded, that your greed and exploitation should continue as rampant in Mother Africa as it is.”

The Westernized African will one day realize that the enormous lessons that have been learned over the Centuries... obligates them to gather their professional skills and talents; ... begin to familiarize themselves with the many African languages (in order to Spiritually regain the African Identity they Lost) and ‘Generation after Generation’ realize that the building and cultivation of the Institutionalized United States of Africa is NOT a 'pipe dream' but a God demanding obligation.

As long as we continue to serve ourselves, with the same wickedness of our former Exploiters, the curse of poverty, suffering and death ‘will remain’ until such time that we bring about our inevitable extinction. WE are responsible for any continued difficulties we experience in Sub-Sahara Africa.

The Land is ours and ‘It’ possesses untapped wealth … more abundantly than anywhere else on the Planet Earth. Send out our energetic youth in mass… to learn the skills necessary to return to their Nations for the adventure of pioneering, discovery and inventions and stop "half-stepping" and "pussy-footing" in objective-less circles.

The World Bank and the 'World Bank Group' whose President is Robert Zoelick are literally working towards the objective of, the "Re-Colonization of Africa".... at this very moment.

One Hundred and Forty Millions Acres (140,000,000 Million) of prime Agricultural land on the African Continent has been actually ‘SOLD’ to European Nations as well as massive areas of fresh water has been leased out to benefit and prepare for Europe's anticipation of the growing Food and Water Shortage. These arrangements are not to be of benefit or intended to be useful in relieving the hunger and thirst of the Continental Sub-Saharan African. There is no excuse for any tolerance of Corruption in any measure.

What is wrong with us? Are we so mentally and spiritually eroded? Is Corruption to be our style with a smile.  Should Shame mount upon your shame without mercy?  

Be not “Immature Boys of Perdition.” Let there be the display of righteousness in you for the perpetuity of our Honor.

By Cleophas T. Jacobs.

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