Governance and Economic Development

Published on 12th March 2012

Effective leadership   is the panacea for improved standards of living and attendant quality of life and vibrant economic development. It is not democracy that affords one that. A glaring example is India and China, the former a  democracy with the largest concentration of trained professionals than any nation in the world and one since independence more than 63 years ago, is  mostly a third world country. The latter, flip over to China, a communist nation is far better developed than India and challenges the West.

Which nation does the West pay attention to? China and not India. One has to be standing up to the 'master' and challenging the competition for them to be noticed.

Saudi Arabia, an oil producing nation and a monarchy (not a democracy) is better developed than Nigeria. To be a millionaire in Saudi Arabia currency, an American needs to exchange about $3m. But to be a millionaire in Nigeria, an American needs but $7,000. What is missing with this picture? Both countries supply the world oil. Nigeria’s population is far bigger and more educated than that of Saudi. What do Nigerians have to say about that?

In 1985, a Nigerian millionaire was worth about $1.6m in US currency, 27 years hence, that same Nigeria millionaire is worth about $7,000 and some change. What sort of accounting is that? I bet most Nigerians are oblivious to this fact, but will offer loose and lousy excuses.

Nigeria does not have to wait 230 years to realize it is wasting its resources engaging in non-productive conducts. Lagos had electricity in 1894 - Ijaro Power Station, long before most US cities, yet more than 117 years hence, Lagos-Nigeria cannot boast of 10% power. Of course, it is the federal problem.

The Bank of America was popular in Nigeria before it became popular in US.  Nigeria branch banking regulation is older than that of US.  The Bank of America came to Nigeria in the 50s and stayed until 1972, when it left because of the indigenisation decree. Its name changed to Savannah Bank. Its shares are still carried in the books of Savannah Bank, unclaimed.

It was in the 1980s that branching bank became popular in US. Before then, women were not allowed to work in US banks. But they did in Nigeria.

So when persons with shallow content jump in to defend Nigeria simply on the basis of their longevity on some industry without collateral content, I challenge them.

Nigeria can do better but first, she must stop offering excuses and deal with the reasons. No matter how glorious the past was, what matters now is the present and the future. Nation building is a daily endeavor. No one serious about it  rests on their laurel. It's a constant all hands on deck, with sense before slogan, all before self, and above all, against moribund conventions. Challenge the status quo for the purposes of asking; 'is that all we can do'? Such a mindset keeps the pace/race resulting in steady flow of energy necessary to sustain the race.

Leadership is also about adopting a relay race approach. A runner must hand over to another and cheer them on to complete their lap and hand over. With such mentality, why settle for long term office holders or lifetime office appointment? Nigeria must and ought to reshuffle the deck to inject freshness laden with vigor. Every runner in a relay  is laden with vigor to add to the overall performance.

Ejike Okpa, II
Dallas, Texas.

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