Africa Should Ride on Global Optimism and Reassess Systems

Published on 3rd July 2012

Businesses across the globe have focused their attention on Africa. Many are optimistic that the originally ignored African market will quadruple in ten years. It is for this reason that South Africa's ruling ANC must be congratulated for courageously resolving to address aspects of the country's past legacy that continue to breed inequalities and threaten the future of the otherwise vibrant economy.

The ANC keenly notes that the grievances of the disenfranchised majority are a possible time bomb and has decided to tackle inequalities resulting from the mining and land ownership regimes as well as control of the country's economy.

While Africans have contributed significantly to the continent's underdevelopment, it is also true that the continent is groaning under the weight of inherited systems. The continent still embraces the colonially inherited trade, education systems that scarcely enable Africans to evolve homegrown systems to address African challenges. In addition, the continent is still embroiled in conflicts resulting from inherited property rights systems in areas of land and natural resources ownership that breed more conflict than prosperity.

It is imperative that Africans take a leaf from the ANC experience, look inward and probe their own role in the inequality facing them. An internal systems analysis will address the short-term culture that has made Africans to invest less in securing their own future and the future of their grandchildren. Africans must also look outward and probe external systems  that have contributed to the continent's predicament. This must not be done with a view to isolate the continent from the rest of the world but rather to nurture long-term strategic thinking  that will  equip Africans with the right tools to participate in global activities.

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