Africa Risk Conference 2012

Published on 24th July 2012

1st August 2012, Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Wednesday, 1st August 2012 at the JSE. Seminar time from 08h30 to 16h30 (with registration from 08h00 to 08h30) 

The African market is a highly fragmented and complex political economy with poor intra-regional enabling infrastructure, weak capital markets and often informal trading links. Public sector institutions are often weak and the risk of political and social instability is a threat to sustainable business activity.

Despite these challenges, Africa presents attractive commercial opportunities. Attracted by the continent's promising prospects for economic growth and its abundant resources, global companies are entering and expanding their business footprints in Africa. The relatively high financial returns in Africa are a reflection of the perceived high risk of doing business on the continent.

Frontier Advisory, in partnership with Brand South Africa, Deloitte, the Financial Times and Webber Wentzel, will be hosting the one-day Africa Risk Conference (ARC).

The conference will address the following headlines that business needs to consider when doing business and succeeding in Africa:

1. How do we manage Financial & Investment Risk in Africa?
2. How do we mitigate against Geo-Political and Conflict Risk on the Continent?
3. How vulnerable is Africa to External Macro-Economic Forces & Shocks?
4. How do we manage Environmental Risk in Africa with respect to Food Security, Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Water Security?

Seminar Details


Dr Martyn Davies  - Chief Executive Officer, Frontier Advisory 
Andrew England   - Partner, Southern Africa Bureau Chief, Financial Times
Anushuya Gounden - Financial Services Team, Deloitte

Key Note Speakers:

Miller Matola- Chief Executive Officer, Brand South Africa
Richard Dowden - Executive Director, The Royal African Society

Panel Speakers Include:

Alfredo Hengari - Head: South African Foreign Policy and African Drivers Programme, SAIIA
Dennis Dykes - Chief Economist, Nedbank
Dr Deon Nel - Head of Biodiversity Unit, WWF
Dr David Zounmenou - Senior Researcher, African Security Analysis Programme, Institute for Security Studies
Erica Johnson - Chief Officer: Risk and Strategy, Eskom 
James Shikwati - Chief Executive Officer, The African Executive, Kenya
Katherine Tweedie - John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Khungeka Njobe -  Managing Director, Aveng Water
Michael O'Brien Onyeka - Executive Director, Greenpeace Africa
Omri van Zyl - Leader, Africa Agriculture Business Unit, Deloitte
Praveck Geeanpersadh - Regional Leader: Africa, Risk Advisory, Deloitte
Dr Petrus de Kock - Research Manager, Brand South Africa
Roddy McKean - Head of Africa Practice, Webber Wentzel
Siobhan Cleary  - Director, Public Policy and Strategy, Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Date: Wednesday, 01 August 2012

Time: 08h30 -16h30 (registration from 08h00 to 08h30)

Venue:  The Johannesburg Stock Exchange, 1 Gwen Lane, Sandton

Parking: Parking is available at the Village Walk Shopping Centre, opposite the JSE (Complimentary Voucher available at the event)

Costs: R1200.00 excl. VAT


RSVP Form: click here

Directions: click here

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