Kisumu Peace Festival in Pictures

Published on 7th August 2012

Kisumu, a city on the shores of Lake Victoria,  celebrated its 2nd Kisumu Peace Festival on 3rd-5th August 2012. The event's theme was Celebrating Diversity in Unity. The event was packed with entertainment, sports, educational workshops, speeches and dialogue sessions. The peace festival aims at promoting dialogue, respect and tolerance.

Kisumu city experienced one of the most violent episodes where an estimated 87 people lost their lives during the Post Election Violence that engulfed Kenya in 2007/2008. Leaders in the region in partnership with the German embassy initiated a Peace Festival to celebrate cultural diversity and provide young people with channels to share their viewpoints. IREN participated in this event from the perspective of how to “bake bigger cakes” as an additional way to achieve peaceful coexistence.

Elkana Ong’esa, Director Africa Institute for Culture and Development (AFRICUD) demonstrates how to produce monuments from granite rocks to Mr. Shikwati (Director IREN)

Mr. Shikwati and Ms. Janet Wanjala join the leadership of AFRICUD

The German Ambassador to Kenya Ms. Margit Hellwig-Boette and Kenya’s Minister for Lands Hon. James Orengo lead dignitaries in dancing for peace.

Hon. James Orengo addressing the participants at the Kisumu Peace Rally

German Ambassador, Ms. Margit Hellwig-Boette addressing youth representatives from Kisumu, Kericho, Vihiga, Kisii and Siaya Counties.


Hon. Peter Kenneth, Assistant Minister of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030 and Member of Parliament for Gatanga Constituency during the function.

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