Kismayu Capture: Fruit of Genuine Collaborative Effort

Published on 2nd October 2012

The capture of Kismayu by a joint African Union army is a clear indicator that with unity of purpose,   genuine collaborative effort will bring good results to challenges facing Africa on the peace and security front.

Kenya should be lauded for taking measured and rational steps to secure its own security as opposed to vengeful approach common whenever Western powers take unilateral steps to intervene in other countries. Kenya should however be more vigilant against possible terror attacks from the sympathizers of Al Shabaab possibility residing within Kenya.

While the taking of Kismayu is a battle won; the actual war is to restore the faith of Somali people in the new structure of governance currently in the country. This war will partly be won if the existing government is participatory and mindful of the interests of all communities in the country.

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