The 10th Africa Resource Bank Meeting

Published on 29th October 2012

Theme: The Indian Ocean Rim as a New Frontier: How prepared is Africa?
Date: November 15 – 18, 2012

The Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) will host a forum on the quest for markets in Africa by Asian Economies, the discoveries of oil and natural gasin Eastern Africa region and the anticipated impact on the Indian Ocean traffic.

The Forum's broad objectives include:- 

  • Assess Eastern Africa's level of preparedness to manage its new found wealth
  • Evaluate transformative aspects of the regions' global proposition
  • Analyze the socio-political and economic threats and opportunities for the region

For more information contact

Zaina Shisia

Events and Administration Manager

Inter Region Economic Network

Nyaku House,Mezz. Floor

Argwings Kodhek Rd, Hurlingham

P.O Box 135-00100,Nairobi,Kenya

Tel: +254 20 2731497

Fax: +254 20 2723258


About IREN

Founded in 2001, Inter Region Economic Network (IREN) has organized over 80 high profile forums and hosted over 5,000 delegates from across the globe with varied professional backgrounds. The Africa Resource Bank Meeting (ARB) is one of IREN’s key forums that target policy makers, business leaders, media, industry players and academia, for annual brainstorming sessions on various issues that affect Africa.

Previous ARB brainstorming forums have focused on:- Building Africa Through Trade (2003); Property Rights in the African context (2004); Conquering Poverty in Africa through Business (2005); Turning African People into a Resource (2006); Positioning Africa in the 21st Century (2007); Commercializing Africa’s Resources to Promote Prosperity (2008); Probing Governance and Prosperity in Africa (2009) Africa vs. Developed and Emerging Economies: How to Make Africans Win (2010) and Digital Revolution: Opportunity or threat to Africa? (2011).

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