Tanzania Religious Schisms Send Wrong Signals to Regional Integration

Published on 2nd April 2013

Tanzania's religious tensions that have seen churches torched and several Christian clerics killed not only negate the East African Community spirit, but also the Africa integration quest. Tanzanians ought to understand that such tensions have only served to curtail socio-economic and political growth in countries like Sudan, Nigeria and Egypt. 

At a time when Africa is pursuing integration with a view of freeing its potential and engaging global powers, it is detrimental to be stuck in feuds that so often mutate to run down other indicactors of wellbeing. Africans, irrespective of their class, tribe and religious affiliation need improved standards of living and an environment that frees their productive potential. Concerted effort is required to address factors that curtail the above instead of perpetuating division. Within objective and informed unity lies our strength.

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