Top Company Executives to Judge Varsity Business Competition

Published on 15th July 2013

Event: 11th Enactus Kenya 2013 National Business and  Entrepreneurship Competition

Where:   Sarova Pan Afric Hotel.

Date:      July 20, 2013

Time:      6.30 am to 5.00 pm

Enactus Kenya is a business and entrepreneurship movement that brings together business leaders, the academia and university students to make a positive difference in communities. It operates in 19 Kenyan universities (both public and private) keen to unleash the youthful student energies to confront challenges that face society. Enactus Kenya will host its 11th Edition of the Kenya National Business and Entrepreneurship Competition on July 20, 2013 at Sarova Pan Afric Hotel. An estimated 600 university students will participate and their business projects will be judged by corporate leaders drawn from over 30 companies. The winning team will represent Kenya at the Enactus World Cup set for Cancun Mexico later in October.

“Enactus Kenya students are a dynamic lot that put their boots on the ground to transform community challenges into business opportunities,” says Robert Onyango, Senior Manager, KPMG and Chair, Enactus Kenya Business Advisory Council.

Enactus Kenya has nurtured over 3000 young business leaders since inception and implemented an estimated 400 projects. KPMG is the official partner for the 11th Enactus Kenya National Business and Entrepreneurship Competition. 

About Enactus Kenya

Enactus Kenya was launched in 2003 as a partnership between Enactus International and the Inter Region Economic Network (IREN). Enactus is an international organization mobilizing university students around the world to make a difference in their communities through outreach projects while developing skills to be socially responsible business leaders.

Enactus Kenya operates under the advice of the Enactus Kenya Business Advisory Council whose membership includes business leaders from both the private and public sectors and has an annual membership of over 800 active students from 19 Kenyan universities (both public and private).

In its 10-year history, Enactus Kenya National Business and Entrepreneurship Competition has increasingly grown into a well-known event that draws engagement from university students, academic leaders and business leaders in providing meaningful opportunities for the participants to connect, share, collaborate and evolve partnerships. Participation in this event is by invitation only.

For details, please contact

Mr James Shikwati, Enactus Kenya Country Director or Ms. Mayiani Saino, Enactus Kenya Program Manager Tel. +254 20 2731497 or email

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