African American Employee Network: Thinking Aloud

Published on 11th February 2014

In January this year, the African American Employee Network held a one day event that among other objectives sought to enable participants discover how an MBA can be a real game changer. 

I am Just curious on African American Employee Network.  When will it be African American Employers Network? Or African American Business Owners Network?

Africans and Blacks are happy to give of their labor/skill to make others rich while settling for nice job title with more degrees. How many Asians or Anglos work for African-American or African owned companies? 

We rush to get MBAs only to end up with Minor Bank Account – “MBA” and crushing student loans. As Africans  consider more degrees, they must ask the crucial questions: how much additional income does one more degree add to one’s income potential? Does spending years in school imbibing lessons, texts and taking tests actually make one better learned or a great business person? If degrees are it, how come Africans/Africans Americans that obtain more PhDs in US, are more likely to be employed than go out and own something

Many Asians who run small family businesses in African-American communities and take home millions can barely speak English. But African-Americans/Africans that take pride in acquiring titles and degrees often complain how badly they are treated by Asian business owners in their neighborhoods. How come the degrees we have piled have not taught us to go and create our own companies and corporations and compete?

Of the top 100 big corporations in the world, none is owned by an African-American or African or headquartered in Africa, and this goes against the fact, more than a third of raw materials that run the world industrial sectors are imported from Africa. So Africa is known for the ‘raw’ stuff but not for the finished stuff.

Equal opportunity as in education - that is acquiring degrees and certificates by African-Americans and Africans, obviously does not mean equal outcome.

Help me decipher. Please share thoughts if you have any.

By Ejike  E. Okpa

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