2014 FIFA World Cup: May the Best Team Win!

Published on 10th June 2014

The 2014 FIFA World Cup starts in Brazil this week.  Fans, the world over, will scramble to watch games while at work, while travelling, or even at home. Rivals will face off as new football  stars emerge. Africa is not  left behind. The continent  has produced several world-class stars and elicited some of the World Cup's most memorable moments. However, no African country has ever progressed beyond the quarterfinals of the  game. Africa’s citizenry hope that Ivory Coast, Algeria, Ghana, Nigeria, Cameroon and Ghana will break this jinx.

Once more after four years, Africans will think as one and wish the teams that hail from the continent well. Africa’s leaders should tap into this unity, energy and momentum to galvanize the continent towards noble causes and sustain the momentum. The citizens are willing—but the lop-sided priorities of the leadership are letting them down. The FIFA World Cup should not be used to put issues that are of specific interest to the continent and individual countries to the back burner. May the best team win!

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