Education Review: Uganda Sets the Pace

Published on 7th October 2014

President Museveni’s call for the rationalization of academic courses in Uganda’s institutions of higher learning to root out the irrelevant ones is a step in the right direction. Museveni’s call comes in the wake of continued dismal performance of African universities in World Class University rankings. In spite of many linkages with World Class universities, only a few universities in two African nations -- South Africa and Egypt -- have been ranked in the 'World Class' league.

Teaching and learning should aim at creating a human resource that will transform their lives and the nation. Learning institutions in Africa must consequently refocus their mission towards developing enlightened men and women who are willing and able to take on the exciting challenges facing their community and globe. The institutions must identify African core needs and realign education towards meeting these needs. In addition, learning institutions must carry out an audit of existing partnerships and shed off partnerships that don’t add value to them. Museveni has set the pace. Africa must join the queue.

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