Lampesuda: Soul Searching Questions

Published on 24th October 2014

Lampedusa – the name of an island between Tunisia and Sicily, Italy, – has become the symbol for a human tragedy. One year ago, on 3 October 2013, 366 refugees from Africa and the Middle East drowned  there in the  Mediterranean  seeking a  life  without  war,  persecution,  torture,  or  poverty.  ‘Lampedusa’ and  the  high number of dead on that specific day  stand  for  many  more victims and, above all, for an occurrence  with   global dimensions ,namely for  the clash between people in need and  rich  Europeans.

Who are the agencies and persons that are involved in that clash? First of all, there are those ‘elites’ who create inhuman conditions that make people flee. Either  they  are politicians, unwilling and  unable  to  provide prosperity  for  all,  because  they  do  not  care  for  their  citizens;  this  is  the  case  in many African countries. Or they are dictators, clinging to their power by  suppressing  the ordinary  people , like  Afewerki   of  Eritrea  or  al  Assad  of  Syria.  Or they slaughter children and rape women in the fight for resources as militia groups do in East Congo. And there are the fanatics who kill and displace people ‘in the name of God’ for a religious ideology – Boko Haram in northern Nigeria, the ‘Islamic State’ in Syria and Iraq, and many others. 

Then, the affected people despair and their only hope lies in other places. Most of them flee to neighbouring countries; only a relatively small number try their luck in Europe. Mainly the Germans refuse ‘economic refugees ’ as if  it  makes  a  difference “whether you die of starvation or of  torture” (Jür gen Dahlkamp).Certainly, there are Africans who just  strive for  European prosperity, often sponsored by their family to make the dangerous trip through the desert and the sea. But what is the criterion for making poverty ‘inhuman’? 

Unfortunately, criminal traffickers misuse the desperate situation of those who want to flee, also relying on their ignorance of the real conditions, extorting them and putting them in life endangering situations. The overcrowded boats are only one example. Finally, the refugees  are  stranded  at  Lampedusa  or at  other  places  and the  European  governments protect their  populations,  that  are  unwilling  to give  a helping hand, with ‘asylum policies.’ Of course, on the one hand, this is an unjustified statement because there are a number of European citizens who are willing to help, and governments have to seek a balance between nation al and foreign interests. On the other hand, there is  indifference, ignorance, and xenophobia among Europeans;  there  are  political  parties  who  are  elected based  on  their  xenophobic programmes  (Danish  opposition  parties  propose  to  send  16,000  Somali refugees to  Kenya  that  is  already hosting 600,000);  there  is  the  opinion of  those  who  are willing to help that more could be done.  And there are very practical and pragmatic questions, for instance: How could Germany manage 300,000 or 500000 refugees?  Put them in camps   and would this provide them with a human life? Try to integrate them into the German society? How?  What would be the social effect on that? Could such a number be financed, or better: would there be a political and a public will to do that?

Such practical questions reveal helplessness on the European side. Also the proposal to deal with the roots of the refugee problem does not promise success. Development aid of more than 50 years could not create sufficient prosperity in order to avoid ‘economic refugees.’ Could it achieve this now? On the political and ideological side, could power hungry politicians like in South Sudan or dictators like Alassad or religious fanatics like Boko Haram be convinced to treat people more humanely? Certainly not, and thus, the causes of the problem remain.

When we consider that poverty, dictators, wars, and religious conflicts have been in this world for as long as we know history, what is new in the clash of refugees and rich nations that we have been experiencing in the recent years and that is symbolized by ‘Lampedusa’? Is it a consequence of   colonialism and post-colonial development aid?  Of globalization with its Western features ‘West is best’? The ‘Arab spring’ including the uprising in Syria is an expression that people do no longer accept   to be suppressed because they have learnt about democracy and human rights.  Poverty  is  compared  to  the  wealth  in  Europe  which  is  propagated  all  over  the  world  and  considered  as  an  aim  of  life.  And there  is  a counter- movement  to  the (Western) globalization,  represented  by  the  Islamists; ‘Boko haram’ means:  Western  education  is  bad,  sinful.  Islamists in general are against Western culture; they specifically hate America.  Does  all  this  mean  that the  West  has  unwillingly, though sometimes  culpably  like  in  Iraq and  Libya, caused a  situation  where  life  becomes  unbearable  for  certain  human  beings  and they  flee and seek refuge  to  those who  promise a bearable  life? 

The practical problems of European asylum policy only show the tip of an iceberg. The ‘bearable life’ as represented by Europeans includes material wealth; this has to be shared if Europeans relate the development ideology to themselves. For ‘development’  means  to  overcome  underdevelopment,  i.e. to become  like Western  societies;  and  this  is  not   possible  without sharing resources and, therefore, reducing  Western wealth. But Europeans do not intend to share it with others; they want to retain it. The ‘bearable life’ also means values, among others the human rights. Under this perspective, underneath the visible ‘asylum policies,’ the attitude of Westerners towards non Westerners has to be questioned, i.e. their relationship to and their acceptance of refugees who represent alien cultures. Are fences and deportation the right answers? Obviously, ‘Lampedusa’ raises a lot of questions that go beyond politics and finances.

By Helmut Danner

Helmut Danner is author of End of Arrogance. Africa and the West – Understanding their Differences.

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