IREN-CmiA at Origin Africa 2014 - Kenya in Pictures

Published on 11th November 2014

President Uhuru Kenyatta and the First Lady open the Origin Africa 2014 event


Peggy Onyango of Peon Glamor with her models


Peggy Onyango receives an award from First Lady Margaret Kenyatta.


Janet Mumassabba, IREN-CmiA East Africa Textile  Development  Manager with a visitor at the IREN CmiA stand.


Visitors at the IREN-CmiA stand


Visitors at the IREN-CmiA stand


Visitors at the IREN-CmiA stand


Visitors at the IREN-CmiA stand


James Shikwati (Director, IREN) talks to Roger Peltzer (COMPACI/ CmiA) and Christoph Kaut (COMPACI/CmiA)

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