2015: Will Africa Swim or Drown?

Published on 30th December 2014

Africa is doubtlessly learning the ropes on how to play a role in the global arena. The continent has shed the object of pity label to become a fast growing economic region wooed by both developed and emerging economies. As the continent enters 2015, it faces several risks that if not addressed, could potentially thwart its growth. These include failure to: lift its large majority of the low income population into the middle and high income status; invest in tools of productivity; set up productivity and development indices; add value to its primary products; study different economic models with a view of creating a successful hybrid of its own; and failure to strike a balance in geopolitics. If unmanaged too, the Ebola threat that has seen the IMF revise growth forecasts downwards in affected countries; falling oil prices; as well as military and religious extremism could undermine the continent’s growth gains.

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