The 13th IREN E.A. Media Forum: Africa’s Productivity in the 21st Century

Published on 21st March 2015

Theme: Africa’s Productivity in the 21st Century: The Missing Link
Venue: Nairobi, Kenya
Date: March 25th – 28th, 2015

While Africa’s resources are driving Global industries, Africa is not faring well on the productivity and wealth creation score. Why aren’t Africa’s tremendous physical and intellectual resources working for the continent? With the continent’s tag as the last frontier of investment—Who owns Africa?

Inter Region Economic Network will discuss this topic during the 13th East Africa Media forum. The forum objectives include:-

•To map out key players in Africa’s development sector
•To discuss the current status of Africa’s contributions to innovations and solution giving initiatives
•To determine the role of Africa’s private entities in the continent’s growth
•To identify challenges Africans face in the productivity arena and offer solutions  that will make Africa to be an effective player in the 21st century.

Participants who wish to make a presentation should indicate the topic they wish to present on. The topic should be based on any of the three objectives above.


The 12th IREN Eastern Africa Media Forum will draw participation from journalists working and reporting in the development field from Eastern Africa.

Participation is by invitation only. Limited scholarships available on first-come-first-awarded basis. Send application to   and cc

The IREN Eastern Africa Media forum is one of IREN’s key forums that targets media practitioners for annual brainstorming sessions on various issues that affect Eastern Africa.

For the last eleven years, IREN has trained over 500 journalists and communicators from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Ethiopia, Ghana, Zambia and South Sudan who cover business, governance and other developmental issues. The IREN Eastern Africa Media Training aims at exposing media practitioners to factors that influence events in the world and to principles of wealth creation.

Previous Media Training Themes

(2014)  Africa Rising: Myth or Reality?
(2013) Indian Ocean Rim: Gateway to Eastern Africa's Prosperity
(2012) Harnessing Digital Revolution to benefit Africa
(2011) Is Eastern Africa Ready for China-India and Europe? 
(2010) The Billionth African
(2009) Africa Resources Conflict: Whose Interest does the Press Serve?
(2008) The Role of the Media in Positioning Africa in the 21st Century
(2007) Turning Africa’s People into a Resource
(2006) Conquering Poverty through Business in Eastern Africa
(2005) Property Rights in the African Context
(2004) Business and International Trade
(2003) World Trade Organization and Africa

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