Demystifying Agriculture Among Africa`s Youth

Published on 21st September 2015

The advice by the East African Community deputy secretary general-in-charge of productive and social sectors, Jesca Eriyo, that farming be made more attractive to East Africa`s young people is vital. Neglect of the sector by the region's youths is opening it up to adverse competition from the South African development community and the common market for Eastern and Southern Africa.

In East Africa, term `agriculture` evokes images of hand-held hoes, dirt, machetes and back breaking labour. This perception must change and youth be informed that agriculture involves the full range of activities that are required to bring agricultural products or a services from conception through the different phases of production to delivery to final consumers and disposal after use. With this knowledge, youth will align their skills along the various stages of the value chain and create a synergy that will not only leave them better off, but ensure food security also.


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