Flight of Africa’s Educated Elites Alarming

Published on 10th November 2015

A recent Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report that there is a 92 per cent rise in Sub-Saharan Africans with a degree who are migrating to other better off countries is alarming. It is also shocking that most graduates are migrating because their skills are not being utilized in the home country. In 2010/11, a million Sub-Saharan Africans with a degree migrated to better off  countries outside the region. In Zimbabwe, the migration rate was 44 per cent; Mauritius (43 %) and Sierra Leone (33%) according to the report.

While migration to other countries should not be discouraged if it adds value to the graduates as well as their home countries, migration on the basis that graduates' skills can not be utilized is a blight. There is urgent need for the continent to invest in relevant education, tap into its educated graduates, develop educational systems that enable graduates to respond to country and global needs and desist from churning out "statistical graduates."

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