Africa Shoots the 'One Africa' Dream

Published on 16th February 2016

Africa must revisit its “pan-Africa” and “one Africa” vision with a view of translating it to reality if the Africa Visa Openness Index report on travelling in Africa is anything to go by. According to the report, Africans remain severely disconnected from each other. Acquiring a Visa in Africa is costly in terms of money and time for Africans. Although there have been positive amendments to visa legislations in Africa states  such as  Djibouti, Mozambique and Rwanda, most  immigration policies have not adopted the present-day needs of African businesses and citizens at large.

Africans need visas to enter 55 percent of states on the continent. Only 20 percent of nations allow Africans to enter without visas, with 25 percent offering visas on arrival. On the contrary, foreigners outside Africa have an easier time traveling to and within the continent than do Africans.

It is urgent that respective countries open up their visa regime. This will spur a quick-win on local economy exploration, intra-African trade and development. Visa openness will promote talent mobility and business opportunities.

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