African Union Reforms Report a Step in the Right Direction

Published on 8th February 2017

Implementing the observations in a report on the African Union reforms titled ‘The Imperative to Strengthen Our Union’ is bound to restore credence to the regional body. The report calls on the AU to develop a strategic continental focus; re-align its institutions to deliver against focus areas; uphold efficiency and effectiveness and finance itself.

The report comes in the wake of accusations that the continental body is lackluster, divided along regional economic blocks and colonial heritage lines, and full of talk but little action. Currently, 97% of the African Union Programmes are funded by external donors. As of December 2016, less than half of the AU member states had paid their assessment in full.

The path of self-examination adopted by the Union is thus a step in the right direction. This step, if embraced in good faith and put in action shall enable the continent  to adequately respond to current challenges such as poverty, climate change, mass migration, violent extremist ideologies, and political upheavals taking place in many states.

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