Enactus Kenya Announces New Business Advisory Council Chairperson

Published on 23rd April 2018

Enactus Kenya has rolled out a modernization strategy to enable university students promote smart solutions by concretizing what they learn in school to both rural and urban areas. This new approach will be spearheaded by the new Enactus Kenya Business Advisory Council Chair, Mr. Kinyua M’Mbijjewe.  Mr Kinyua takes over from Florence Suji of Toyota Kenya Academy who successfully served her 3-year term and coordinated active student entrepreneur’s participation in London, Johannesburg and Beijing business competitions.  

Kinyua M’Mbijjewe is a food and agricultural consultant for Syngenta and AFAP, following 20 years leading Corporate Affairs in Africa for global agricultural companies Syngenta and Monsanto - after 4 years working in the food industry with Del Monte in Kenya.

"I am keen to bring my expertise and experience to ENACTUS Kenya fraternity to make a positive contribution and build on what the great Enactus Kenya teams and Advisory Council have accomplished so far," said Kinyua M’Mbijjewe, Enactus Kenya Business Advisory Council Chair.

Enactus Kenya provides a platform for teams of outstanding university students to create community projects that put people’s own creativity and talents at the center of improving their livelihoods. Enactus Kenya (then SIFE Kenya) was launched in 2003 following an M.O.U between Enactus International (then SIFE International) and the Inter Region Economic Network (IREN). Working with 37 public and private Universities, Enactus Kenya has nurtured over 5,000 students on business solutions to challenges facing communities since 2003. This has been achieved through successfully organizing and managing an all Africa Competition - Agribiz4Africa2014 and 15 Enactus Kenya National Expositions. Led by academic leaders and supported by business leaders, our students take the kind of entrepreneurial approach that empowers people to be a part of their own success.

“I am deeply honored to have led and worked with such an amazing team of Advisors in the 3 years that I have served as Enactus Kenya Business Advisory Council Chair. Nothing we do would be possible without a strong community of people passionate enough to volunteer their time and resources to make the Enactus Kenya program a success,” says Florence Suji.

For details contact: Nanjala   Email: nanjala@irenkenya.com

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