Kenyan Varsities Gear Up for The 16th Enactus Kenya National Expo

Published on 22nd May 2018

Enactus Kenya promotes strategic skills developed among university undergraduate students through business solution oriented community projects. This year, students will showcase over 20 community projects ranging from food security, health, green energy, water and technology solutions.

Enactus Kenya (then SIFE Kenya) was launched in 2003 following an M.O.U between Enactus International (then SIFE International) and the Inter Region Economic Network (IREN). For the last 16 years, Enactus Kenya has organized and managed business competitions among universities that have seen outstanding  competitors travel to over 16 international cities worldwide.

Guided by a business advisory council, Enactus Kenya continuously aims to create partnership between business and higher education and equip students with innovative ideas that attract investment through community projects, knowledge sharing, competitions and ultimately nurture business leaders. “It is exciting to see different students explore diverse sets of solutions to challenges facing our communities every year. I welcome business leaders, faculty members and students to join us in celebrating this creativity and innovation on June 8, 2018,” says James Shikwati, Enactus Kenya Country Leader.

Students volunteer time and skills to impact lives through community development projects, trainings, thematic events, annual national business competition and compete with peers from 36 countries worldwide. Each student led team implements community development projects, which are then presented to business leaders during the annual Enactus Kenya National Exposition for evaluation.

In 2017, Enactus Moi University worked with small holder farmers in the community to repurpose organic waste to manure. Through the use of Black Soldier Fly-BSF larvae and redworms; they decomposed organic waste from homes around the community into organic manure for use on their vegetable gardens to grow more food. Through collaborative efforts, the team worked with 39 members in the community and impacted 239 people directly. The 39 founder members now work in groups in different sub areas of Uasin Gishu County producing and selling alternative manure in their surrounding communities.

Every year, Enactus Kenya conducts training sessions for student members through, speaker forums, discussion sessions, simulations, mentorship programs, and competitions. Students learn a variety of skills through these trainings such as employability, entrepreneurship, leadership and community development. The 16th Enactus Kenya Expo has attracted interest from 30 Kenyan universities keen to participate in both the competition and panel discussions. The team with the most creative and high impact community project will represent Kenya in San Jose, California for the Enactus World Cup later in October.

Organizations partner with Enactus Kenya to identify enhance skills among the youth and recruit talent. Enactus Kenya student community projects serve as a catalyst not just for learning but also an avenue to nurture business ideas, and leadership skills.  Enactus Kenya currently with 36 affiliate university memberships prides itself to have nurtured over 5,000 undergraduate university students on business solutions to challenges facing communities since 2003.

By Winnie Nanjala,

Deputy Director & Business Development Manager, Enactus Kenya.

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