Africa Plantation Capital & Bidco Africa Sign MOU for the supply of Bamboo Biomass

Published on 10th July 2018

Africa Plantation Capital & Bidco Africa Sign MOU for the supply of Bamboo Biomass by Africa Plantation Capital to Bidco Africa for green and Sustainable Energy Source.                                                           

On June the 26th Africa Plantation Capital signed an MOU to supply Bamboo Biomass to   Bidco Africa Group for Green and Sustainable Energy Source.

The MOU was signed during the BAMBOO PLANTING DAY AT NDAKAINI DAM which the two organizations established as an annual event last year and is part of their 1,000,000 bamboo seedlings initiative. Both companies are committed to support the 10% forest cover target that was set by the President of Kenya as part of the BIG Four Agenda.

During the event 5,000 bamboo seedlings were planted with the assistance of hundreds of young people who are embracing this initiative together with many other stakeholders who participated and marked the event with their contribution and presence.

The Guest of Honour was the PS Ministry of Environment Hon. Charles Sunkuli represented by the secretary to the Ministry, Engineer Simitu, who during his speech affirmed the government’s support to this initiative. The CEC of Nairobi County Government, Minister of Environment, Water & Natural Resources Mr. Larry Wambua, expressed the full support of the County Government to every initiative targeting the dam conservation and the county’s reforestation. He expressed his gratitude for the planting exercise that was organised by Africa Plantation Capital and Bidco for the second year and wished for the same to be continued with the same pace.

KEFRI’s representative, Dr. Joram K. Kagombe, Deputy Regional Director congratulated both organizations for their consistent contribution towards environmental awareness and all the actions that Bidco and Africa Plantation Capital have been supporting and organizing all over Kenya.

Kenya Forestry Service Chief Conservator of Forest, Monica Kalenda, the NCWSC Acting Managing Director - Eng. Njambi, Safaricom Head of Agribusiness Fredrick Kiio also expressed their support and gratitude for the planting exercise.

Before the closing of the event, Africa Plantation Capital CEO, Eng. Kosta Kioleoglou and Dr. Vimal Shah, Chairman of Bidco Africa Group, signed the MOU which marks yet another great milestone for AFRICA PLANTATION CAPITAL & BIDCO AFRICA GROUP as these two institutions partnered to promote their goals as one.

“The most important aspect of this MOU is the devotion of this great company, Bidco Africa Group and its people to implement their environmental friendly policy. The group believes in circular economic models and is now willing to make a big step, and a great investment in order to protect the environment using bamboo as green sustainable energy source. This is going to save thousands of trees every year and protect the eco system.

Bidco is a great example and I hope that other big companies in the region will follow them towards greener, sustainable and eco-friendly business policies. As Africa Plantation Capital, we are honoured to be part of this big change. The fact that a giant company such as Bidco Group decided to choose Africa Plantation Capital as its Bamboo Biomass Provider is the best recognition for us. Africa Plantation Capital will is ready to take action and we are already working on an extensive out growers program ij order to secure that not only the two big entities will benefit from this MOU but also the local communities securing with Africa Plantation Capital and Bidco a market for their bamboo biomass production.” Said Kosta Kioleoglou, Africa Plantation Capital CEO.

During his speech, Dr. Vimal Shah, Chairman of Bidco Group said that Bidco currently needs at least two hundred tons of dry biomass per day, which is over 60,000 metric tons/year, to cover its energy needs for the Thika facility. Bamboo is the ideal green, sustainable and renewable energy source which can be used to replace traditional timber. Bamboo has almost the same calorific value but been a grass it is naturally renewable. He also said that Bidco’s circular economic model has always included out growers and farmers and he said that this can be one more opportunity for those who are willing to invest in Bamboo.

During his visit at the Africa Plantation Capital’s display stand he was really amazed from the amazing quality of the APC bamboo polo shirts and he encouraged the representative of the ministry of environment to support bamboo as a great alternative biomass not only for energy production but also for the textile industry.

Kelvin kaloki, Africa Plantation’s Capital MD during his speech said that Africa Plantation Capital is devoted to support every environmental awareness and protection action. He also said that Africa Plantation Capital, with the full support of the APC Group is now investing in bamboo process facilities targeting to open end product markets locally as well as internationally. Both the bamboo tea facility as well as the bamboo charcoal tablet process unit in Kiserian are under construction and are expected to be ready in less than two months.

Architectural and Structural Plans for the processing unit in Kilifi have been approved and the company plans to start construction works very soon. He also mentioned that Africa Plantation Capital’s management is now working for the business plan of a bamboo bicycle facility as well as on a project for paper and pulping.

Africa Plantation Capital is a member of the APC GROUP, a group of associated companies that includes the award-winning Asia Plantation Capital and is a world leader in agroforestry and plantation management.

Currently operating in 18 countries, the group has invested heavily in agroforestry best management practices, research and innovation creating near perfect value chains and some ground breaking commercial products from the different species of crops under our management.

In Kenya, Africa Plantation Capital was incorporated in 2015 as part of the Group’s corporate expansion within the East Africa Region. Over the last two years, the company has achieved what most companies fail to achieve in decades.

It has always been the group’s quest to become the industry leader, and APC’s management understood the importance of operating with quality standards and after going through the rigorous audits, Africa Plantation Capital was ISO certified last year under UKAS through Bureau Veritas. The company is currently represented by three offices in Nairobi, two in Mombasa, 120 permanent staff and over 250 casual workers working in various projects.

In addition, Africa Plantation Capital has won numerous local & international awards including; The New Business of the Year, 2016, The Best Agribusiness Company, 2017, both organized by the Kenya National Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Best Global Innovation Award & Best Business Leadership Award 2017 both held in Bangkok, Thailand, Signed corporation agreements with several institutions including KEFRI, created over 400 acres of high value bamboo plantations, managing two bamboo arboretums, created bamboo and agarwood nurseries, and expanded its operations into Uganda, all in 2 years.

Since the beginning of its operations in Kenya, it has been and remains APC’s core desire to be part of great causes that not only provide commercial comfort but also protect our precious environment. Last year, APC initiated talks with like-minded partners on the potentiality of this miracle grass called bamboo in saving our water towers as well as our environment at large.

“Together with BIDCO and other partners, Africa Plantation Capital proudly launched and committed to support this wonderful initiative of planting 1 million bamboo seedlings. I request all the partners not to tire and to continue supporting this initiative which will give better livelihoods to our future generations” said Kelvin Kaloki, Africa Plantation Capital MD at the end of the event.

Courtesy: The Asia Plantation Capital Group.

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