All articles in 'Commentary'

Kenya: Escalating Tensions and Infighting Not Heal...

The escalating tensions and infighting among United Democratic Alliance (UDA) politicians, particula...

4th June 2024
The Taiwan Question and China's Reunification in t...

There is but one China in the world. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory.

22nd May 2024
Nigeria: Dark Days on the Horizon

These are very perilous times indeed

29th February 2024
Is Religion Becoming Another Mental Slavery in Afr...

What transpired recently in Uganda where a self-proclaimed pastor, Denis Kintu (42) was filmed canin...

6th September 2022
Infocus – Risk-Based Approaches to Artificial Inte...

Recent advancements in AI technologies leading to new commercial applications with potentially adver...

17th August 2022
Strengthening Sahelian Counterinsurgency Strategy

Adapting Sahelian force structures to lighter, more mobile, and integrated units will better support...

26th July 2022
Belgium King Philippe’s DRC Visit Pathetic

Last week marked King Philippe of Belgium’s first visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) si...

15th June 2022
Russia-Ukraine War is Morally Unacceptable and Mil...

By any measure – by even the shrewdest calculation -- it is time to stop the fighting now and give p...

22nd March 2022
Balancing Judiciary and Patriotism

All that seek justice, and those of us employed to dispense it, must train in patriotism.

1st February 2022
Africa Must Have a Permanent Seat in the UN Securi...

Africa has the moral right to demand to be a Permanent Member of the United Nations Security Council...

30th September 2021
Imagining Al-Shabaab’s Way to Villa Somalia in the...

This short piece attempts to shed light on the similarities and differences between the two groups:...

17th August 2021
Kaunda and Ribeiro Were Typical Heroes

The two were genuine heroes, not only for what they did during the armed struggle, but also for what...

29th June 2021
Seeing the Good in the Covid-19 Pandemic

Everything under the sun has two faces.

18th May 2021
Will Donald Trump make America Gleet Again?

Under Trump, the US has become more xenophobic than ever.

22nd September 2020
Hypothesis of Stamping Out Terrorism in Africa

Africa needs to wake up from its slumber and start thinking collectively about multilaterality and t...

1st September 2020
Big Lessons from Covid-19

COVID-19 has offered many lessons to the world at large

21st April 2020
Evolution: Monogenetic Theory, Polygenesis and Dis...

The study of human evolution reveals that Africans gave birth to Europeans, Asians and Americans.

10th March 2020
No Child Should Go Hungry

No child should go hungry. No mother should have to bury her child because of hunger.

26th November 2019
Xenophobic Attacks: FG, Reps Insist on Compensatio...

The Federal Government and the House of Representatives are pushing ahead with demands for compensat...

10th September 2019
AfCFTA One Year Later: A Review

On 21st March this year, the Agreement Establishing the African Continental Free Trade Area marked o...

4th June 2019
Towards a Cultural Democracy

Culture, as a field, is a dynamic one – full of confrontations and negotiations, Not unexpectedly

30th April 2019
South African Alienophobia: A Challenge to Civiliz...

Why are we today reading and witnessing a blatant lack of gratitude from the Black South African gov...

2nd April 2019
Mangaliso Robert Sobukwe: The 41st Anniversary of...

The majority of white people, the so-called Coloureds and Indians, especially white people, pretend...

27th February 2019
Should Africa Revise Its History?: A Critical Look...

The presidency of Donald Trump in the US has changed the world, for worse or for good

8th January 2019
Migration Management in Africa

The discourse on the migration and its associated developmental policy issues is arguably one the up...

25th December 2018
Ethiopia: The Quest to Promote Love, Tolerance, Re...

Ethiopia has a global recognition for the provision of spiritual strength to humanity than any other...

25th September 2018
Globalism Vs Nationalism

Globalism and nationalism have become the ideological divide of the 21st century

18th September 2018
Steve Biko: A Memorial

Like Langston Hughes, Steve Biko sought to lead his people to claim their rightful place at the tabl...

18th September 2018
The Changing Face of Journalism

Today, technology has changed and continues to change humanity

7th August 2018
Time for Zimbabwe’s Third Wave – Kofi Annan

Rebuilding Zimbabwe will be the work of the Nation

31st July 2018
Showing page 1 of 13 (385 articles found)

African Perceptions of the Eur...