Create new models that ensure you are balanced in your efforts to help the planet and people while y...
18th February 2020Over the past 30 years, the world has undergone a radical transformation driven by two main phenomen...
18th February 20202020 is an election year in the greater Horn of Africa
11th February 2020We Tanzanians have not yet reflected enough on democracy through elections,
11th February 2020The liberal international order is becoming less liberal, less international and less orderly.
11th February 2020Let's do a better job to make the dreams of improved quality of life for millions of Africans a real...
4th February 2020Perhaps the rats will eventually take over and rebuild civilization. Perhaps, then, the rats will le...
4th February 2020The most successful businesses will be those that meet the continent's challenges and unmet needs wi...
28th January 2020Notably, today’s learners need to acquire contextual intelligence, that rare ability to adapt and ap...
28th January 2020Since independence Africa has stagnated if not regressed. The economic development models adopted by...
21st January 2020The export specialisation of a country has a lot of bearing on its import patterns – if it exports m...
21st January 2020It is science, not conspiracy theories, that will allow Africa to meet these challenges.
14th January 2020The DRC has neither known peace nor enjoyed the country's wealth
14th January 2020The Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency maintains more than 1000 military bases and install...
7th January 2020Al-Shabaab is resurging potently across Somalia and specially in Mogadishu.
31st December 2019We need to believe we can do better. We need to believe we must do better. We need to believe we wil...
31st December 2019The expression “Former Somalia” has come to emerge as a political discourse for dissatisfied Somalis...
24th December 2019In 1980s, Derg came up with the idea of reducing dependency on foreign countries and being self-suff...
24th December 2019Any investment in oil and gas sector in Somalia is a very risky undertaking
17th December 2019The people of Tigray have recently made history by way of united action against a posed danger by de...
17th December 2019The likelihood that Ethiopia will join the middle-income countries by 2035 is a daunting task let al...
10th December 2019Over the past decade, the land sector in Africa has witnessed a surge in investor interest
3rd December 2019May StatAfric be that institution that becomes the salt of African politics.
3rd December 2019It is exactly 30 years-1989-since both the African Union and the United Nations General Assembly dec...
26th November 2019Africa was liberated by people who lived abroad and these influenced greatly the locals.
19th November 2019Africa today has an exciting blueprint for environmental action.
19th November 2019The 2019 Kenya Population and Housing Census has earned a reputation for being the most technologica...
12th November 2019This is a subject that is of crucial importance to Africa’s economic and social development
5th November 2019The first ever Russia-Africa Summit was held on October 23rd and 24th, 2019 in the city of Sochi.
5th November 2019