Articles that mildly illuminate the corruption of the Bongo government merely serve to distance West...
27th July 2009All so-called ‘elections’ that have occurred in Gabon (Cameroon, Togo, Nigeria, etc.) are demonstrat...
3rd August 2009Over the past two decades the Bongo regime has been publicly whitewashed by public relations agencie...
10th August 2009The 'Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement' classified ‘Secret’ document advocated for U.S. suppo...
14th August 2009With a certain arrogance that comes with white society beliefs about entitlement, French expatriates...
24th August 2009Gabon offers a perfect example of how the propaganda system covers for the western terrorist apparat...
31st August 2009Majority of the people at the centre of land disputes are sceptical of the formal court system
19th October 2009Lagos is chaotic in its land use and with illegal tampering of power, it is hard to keep the supply...
19th October 2009Even if encampment might be necessary in the immediate phase of displacement, long term protection o...
19th October 2009If an old white drunk falls off a chair, it's just an old drunk falling off the chair, but if it's a...
8th December 2009To the shock of many modern readers the Greeks and Romans equated dark skin with intelligence and li...
14th December 2009There is thus a chasm between the acquisition of information and the person who has the authority to...
5th January 2010Europeans want to exploit. Everyone who stands in their way is a despot, a terrorist, an extremist,...
8th January 2010Let us learn to isolate the chaff from the wheat instead of condemning the whole sack.
29th January 2010When Africans understood that emancipation was not the reality they had hoped for, they began anothe...
8th February 2010The African's contribution to the sciences, invention and technology that made this new world possib...
1st February 2010We need to say to ourselves, with conviction, that ,"If I did it once, I will do it again."
15th February 2010African world history must be researched, written, distributed, read and analyzed. It is liberating....
16th February 2010The deliberate policy of internationalizing Sudanese issues has undermined both national sovereignty...
22nd February 2010The Peace and Prayer rallies have turned out as forums designed to incite and extol tribal hatred an...
20th February 2012