All articles in 'Development'

Enactus Kenya Champions Industry and Academia Link...

As Kenya strives to join the league of countries with smart cities, we are proud to inculcate smart...

31st January 2019
Africa: The Coming New Global Economic Leader

In the next 50 years, Africa will be the new global economic leader

22nd January 2019
Africa: A Continent with Immense Potential and Opp...

Africa had incredible potential. That potential is not just in sports. Africa today has enormous pot...

18th December 2018
Apply the TQM Approach and Principles to Enhance y...

An ordinary man once said, “Quality is everyone’s responsibility, where you, me and all are involved...

11th December 2018
Steering Fintech for a Prosperous Society

About 20 years ago, a modem used to produce some characteristic sound when connecting to the interne...

4th December 2018
COMESA: Stock Taking of Progress

COMESA free trade area now consists of 15 of the 21 Member States and this will rise to 17 out of 21...

4th December 2018
African Women in Conflict Prevention and Mediation

Of the many challenges facing the African continent, the quest for peace and security is undoubtedly...

4th December 2018
Eritrea, Ethiopia and Somalia Confederation: Will...

There is a fog of mystery, even unreality, surrounding crucial aspects of this great and potentially...

20th November 2018
Cutting Edge Technologies: Pros and Cons

Things are moving really very quickly.

13th November 2018
Ethiopia Headed for a Huge Leap Forward

OLF should not be afraid to let go of the past and embrace the new reality on the ground.

6th November 2018
Transforming Mogadishu into a Smart City

There can never be an opportune time for us to begin the journey of transforming Mogadishu into a sm...

6th November 2018
Announcing the Membership in News Fund

Funds will be provided in different amounts based on project idea, region, and scope.

31st October 2018
Empowering Women in Africa

Our continent needs to use an approach combining innovation and integration.

23rd October 2018
Russia: Beating Swords Into Ploughshares in Africa

Until now, we can’t point to any completed Russian infrastructure projects in Africa

16th October 2018
Ethiopia: Sustaining the Change Momentum

Our focus must be on the progress of democratization: we must make sure that the country is moving f...

10th October 2018
African Continental Free Trade Area: Opportunity...

The African Fashion and Design industry is well positioned to capitalize and benefit from these oppo...

3rd October 2018
China-Africa Partnership: A New Slavery?

African leaders have treated history like an ostrich and the familiar outcomes are permanently on re...

18th September 2018
Djibouti’s Legitimate Concerns with Eritrea Shoul...

The recent rapprochement between Ethiopia and Eritrea is a welcome development

20th August 2018
Africa Now: What Nelson Mandela Would Have Said

He would have dissuaded African leaders from engaging in primitive accumulation of material wealth.

20th August 2018
South Africa: ANC Position on Expropriation of Lan...

The Constitution on the property clause enables the state to effect expropriation of land with just...

7th August 2018
The Future of Cities

The future itself IS cities; and our major challenge is how do we build our own future in the citie...

24th July 2018
What Africa Can Learn from Japan on Productivity

I believe the Japanese by sharing with us the Kaizen Philosophy, they are not giving us a fish, but...

24th July 2018
The Centrality of Property Rights for Economic Gro...

If handled correctly, land reform could be the most positive development since 1994. However, if han...

10th July 2018
Inclusion, Empowerment and Access to Services for...

It is estimated that a total 68.5 million persons are forcibly displaced across the world

26th June 2018
Violent Extremism: Challenge to Global Peace and...

The Journey to Extremism study assesses and suggests a reframing of some key aspects of existing res...

19th June 2018
Women’s Empowerment and Development in Africa

Women’s issues unite Africa, but also divide Africa. They are so important on paper, and yet get de...

12th June 2018
Corruption: A Cancer that Africa Must Eradicate

Africa defeated colonialism and Africa can win the fight against corruption.

6th June 2018
Towards Empowerment of Women in South Africa

How do we justify the aspirations in our Constitution against the reality that women face every day...

29th May 2018
Showing page 8 of 31 (902 articles found)

African Perceptions of the Eur...