All articles in 'Editorial'

Hunger in Africa: Why Again?

A bold initiative is required to give African farmers a strong political clout to fight famine in th...

4th February 2014
African Centers of Excellence: Hope for Africa

Pundits have considered it a paradox that high academic qualifications have neither enabled most Afr...

11th February 2014
Africa Should Rethink its Agricultural Commitments

Commercial engagements if not well thought through often sink populations into deeper poverty.

18th February 2014
Boko Haram Linked Deaths Unacceptable

Violence will only breed more violence and send a wrong signal that might is right. In the end, thos...

25th February 2014
The Nile Water Politics Must Be Solved Once and Fo...

The Nile Water Politics can be solved once and for all if all member states in the Nile Basin evolve...

4th March 2014
Kenya Wage Cut Debate: Way Forward

It would have been prudent for the government to address such cash leaks that are heightened by corr...

11th March 2014
Debt Burden: Africa Should Watch Out

In Ghana, Uganda, Mozambique, Senegal, Niger, Malawi, Benin, Sao Tome, Principe, Ethiopia, Tanzania...

18th March 2014
Malaysia Airlines Mystery: A Wake Up call for Afri...

With the world becoming rapidly interconnected and the current period being touted as Africa’s Centu...

25th March 2014
Rebranding Africa Agriculture: A Step in the Right...

The Musicians’ bid, while noble, should not be mere hype but a goal oriented move with measurable g...

1st April 2014
Ebola: An Indictment on Africa’s Health Systems

It is tragic that Africa, a continent that carries 25% of the world’s diseases imports around 70% of...

8th April 2014
Rising Cases of Insecurity in Africa Sends Wrong S...

It’s important to modernize the continent’s justice system so as not to let loose the forces of impu...

15th April 2014
African Governments Should Stop Suffocating SME an...

The informal economy accounts for 80 percent of new jobs across the continent and is a major contrib...

22nd April 2014
South Sudan at a Crossroads: Which Way to Go?

For the sake of South Sudan and all conflict-afflicted regions in Africa; it is time we learnt how t...

29th April 2014
ANC Victory: Great Work Ahead

The party must realize that it was handed another mandate in spite of gross allegations.

13th May 2014
African Media Must Tell the African Story

It is no secret that most Africans rely on non-African media for analysis and investment decisions....

20th May 2014
Malawi: Another Case of Democracy on Trial in Afr...

Election cycles should not be allowed to be brakes that hold back development; rather they should be...

27th May 2014
Africa Wishes Malawi Peace and Prosperity

Malawians must give the government time to deliver and brace for tough economic times as delivering...

3rd June 2014
2014 FIFA World Cup: May the Best Team Win!

Africa’s leaders should tap into this unity, energy and momentum to galvanize the continent towards...

10th June 2014
Terrorist Attack: Kenya Must Review Security

The latest attack in Kenya has further exposed the country’s soft security underbelly.

17th June 2014
Marine Resources: Africa Must Be Proactive

Cumulatively, the total illicit financial flows from illegal fishing deprive the continent of USD 5...

24th June 2014
South Africa: Land Rights Amendment Bill A Step in...

The law is a pointer to Africa to address deep seated grievances resulting from the colonial legacy...

1st July 2014
Africa Must Invest in Its People

The influx of sea-borne migrants from Africa risking their lives to seek a better life in Europe sho...

8th July 2014
BRICS Bank Good for Africa

Africa suffers the negative effects of the prevailing exclusionary global economic model supervised...

15th July 2014
Africa can Develop Through Agriculture

Armed with the right information and support, African youth can liberate Africa from food insecurity...

22nd July 2014
Africa Needs 'Return on Investment' Attitude

According to a recent report by Health Poverty Action , while on one hand $134 billion flows into Af...

29th July 2014
The US-Africa Summit: What Will Africa Gain?

While Africa’s bilateral engagements are a step in the right direction, whether they will yield posi...

5th August 2014
Ebola Attack: Africa Must Invest in Public Health

Ebola attack shows that the African Union needs to unify and standardize policies across its member...

12th August 2014
Industrialization: The Other Path

While the benefits of industrialization cannot be downplayed, making it a precondition to developmen...

19th August 2014
Agribusiness: Hope for Africa’s Youth

To transform Africa’s youthful population into a demographic dividend; organizations must take proac...

26th August 2014
Stakeholders Rethink Africa Agriculture Revamp

Agribiz4africa, a partnership between Syngenta and Enactus Kenya will also feature 6 Africans under...

2nd September 2014
Showing page 8 of 26 (755 articles found)

African Perceptions of the Eur...