Germany has reasserted its footprint on Africa’s developmental arena by announcing a “Marshall Plan”...
15th February 2017Implementing the observations in a report on the African Union reforms titled ‘The Imperative to Str...
8th February 2017Africa Must Keenly Watch Developments in the US
1st February 2017Donald Trump who rode on the wave of making America Great Again to clinch the US Presidency has dec...
25th January 2017Former Zambia Acting President Guy Scott has castigated president Edgar Lungu over the latter’s rema...
27th September 2016The thought leaders drawn from various disciplines in Eastern Africa expressed optimism that with pr...
30th August 2016The ongoing imbroglio is a stain on the nation that harbours the headquarters of the African Union
3rd October 2016Once more, Africans are thinking as one and wish the teams that hail from the continent well.
16th August 2016Africa hopes that the 6th African Green Revolution Forum will articulate key concerns affecting the...
6th September 2016Despite the fact that about 10 and 12 million young Africans enter the workforce each year, only thr...
21st June 2016Opening up markets to Africa’s finished products will be a step in the right direction.
19th July 2016Algerians are worried about the secrecy surrounding President Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s health.
3rd January 2016Africans remain severely disconnected from each other. Acquiring a Visa in Africa is costly in terms...
16th February 2016The continent needs strategy that bears in mind its prosperity, peace and the welfare of all its cit...
2nd February 2016African economies have not been able to generate enough jobs to absorb the bulging youth population.
29th March 2016While the bank’s move elicits mixed reactions on the continent’s investment environment, it is worth...
1st March 2016Only a quarter of the young people who enter the labor market each year over the next decade will fi...
9th August 2016Tension is growing in the EU as momentum for a vote on June 23 for Britain to leave the EU grows. Th...
14th June 2016Dilemmas over borders have been commonplace in Africa, a continent that was bequeathed 103 border di...
12th January 2016The absence of a vaccine to combat it coupled with the continent’s weak healthcare system is a point...
23rd February 2016Sadly, Africa is a land divided between two histories: The history before the arrival of the Europea...
26th January 2016The situation in Burundi remains volatile. Over 400 people have been killed while nearly 240,000 hav...
15th March 2016About 90 percent of commerce in Africa occurs at informal retailers, including small independent sto...
9th February 2016The East African heads of state will do well to read from the same script, head in the same directio...
8th March 2016Africa must invest in its people with a view of making them bake the national cake and be productive...
19th January 2016African financial flows are already significantly African and total external financial flows in fact...
22nd March 2016Africa must set concrete goals in its interaction with the international community and lay down a ne...
26th July 2016Kenya will play host to over 10,000 delegates during the sixth Tokyo International Conference on Afr...
22nd August 2016It is urgent that Africa comes up with mechanisms that will address these disputes before they flare...
20th September 2016When all is said and done, the onus to restore Africa’s dignity rests on Africans themselves.
13th September 2016