The Mo Ibrahim Foundation is following with increasing concern the recent political developments in...
8th January 2019International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde was in South Africa to meet Re...
2nd January 2019I want all of us South Africans, every woman, man and child, to look at ourselves, and to examine ou...
2nd January 2019The Puntland State of Somalia was established in 1998 under two primary underlining reasons.
26th December 2018Health personnel are critically low and cannot manage to reach out to everyone in the community
30th October 2018Khashoggi's Post columns were sharply critical of the Saudi government, particularly Crown Prince Mo...
23rd October 2018October 23 marked the 28th anniversary of the death of PAC founding member and its second President...
23rd October 2018The lives of more than six hundred and sixty-one people were lost instantly, hundreds missing and ma...
16th October 2018What is the difference between what former President Jacob Zuma tried to do about the nuclear deal w...
16th October 2018Kenya and Zambia enjoy many bilateral treaties including automatic visa on arrival.
3rd October 2018Jigjiga has been a subdivision and a water well once owned by cultivating and pastoral families
25th September 2018Like few in our time, Kofi Annan could bring people together, put them at ease, and unite them towar...
18th September 2018Elite feminist celebrities are always shown on the news celebrating their latest rich catch
11th September 2018It is possible that Millions of South Africans, both literate and illiterate, are not aware of the s...
4th September 2018The debate over land reform in South Africa came to mind on a trip to Chile recently
4th September 2018Kofi Annan was a global statesman and a deeply committed internationalist
20th August 2018A true friend is not the one who always acts as your cheerleader whether you are right or wrong.
14th August 2018We need to rub minds, to find a special moment to grieve in our hearts, and also to express our revu...
7th August 2018One wonders if the South African Broadcasting Corporation Board read comments on Facebook
24th July 2018I congratulate our Science team for demonstrating that we now have the eyes to see all the goings on...
24th July 2018Before doing anything, consider Mandela Day from the NPO’s perspective: ask for permission, give the...
17th July 2018I wish success to the ongoing peace process, and long live the friendships between the people of Eth...
10th July 2018If church leaders can afford to inflict such magnitude of misery on my family, to whom can one go a...
10th July 2018Reform is not cosmetics nor an expedient trip.
3rd July 2018National dignity and respect are the costless tools that can reshape and guide South Sudanese into p...
26th June 2018We need a transitional government
19th June 2018Houston Forum for Democracy in Ethiopia (HFDE)
19th June 2018There is a crisis in Cameroon which risks degenerating into a civil war or long term regional animos...
12th June 2018I implore all the SADC Member States to reflect on the importance of metrology, particularly in the...
22nd May 2018I paid $50.00 to promote the Ndebele culture on Facebook and it was declined.
9th May 2018