All articles in 'Letters to Editor'

Sensible Lessons For the Horn Countries

Uniting Villa Somalia with the regional governments is a valuable advice that would help and not hur...

9th May 2018
Museveni’s May Day Speech Was Misguided

Who hasn’t developed Uganda? That is you Mr. President

1st May 2018
MIguna Miguna’s Assault Blight to Kenya’s Image

Even if Miguna has broken the law, isn’t there a civilized manner of handling him?

28th March 2018
South Africa: Together for Justice

We have a shared responsibility - across the regions of the world, across political divisions, acros...

27th March 2018
Joining Arab League Will Not Help South Sudan

I was shocked by the news that South Sudan’s leaders have applied for Arab League membership.

14th March 2018
Jacob Zuma Should Be Thanked For Resigning

The country now has a golden opportunity to start anew.

18th February 2018
Domestic Violence Should Be Discouraged

The rising trend of domestic conflicts that have seen family members kill each other in Kenya is wor...

30th January 2018
We Denounce the Coup Against President Robert Muga...

We cry shame on all those who have welcomed and supported this reactionary reversion to African sold...

23rd November 2017
An Independent AU ECOSOCC Secretariat Needed

AU ECOSOCC needs to become a strong organ, not one strong-armed by jesters.

7th November 2017
President Muhammadu Buhari’s National Day Broadcas...

The entire national day broadcast by President Muhammadu Buhari (PMB) on the occasion of Nigeria’s 5...

3rd October 2017
Politicizing Death: Where Is Humanity Around J-1 i...

I call upon president Kiir, and his handlers to reconsider and show some humanity.

12th September 2017
President Akufo-Addo’s Leadership On the Weighing...

Ghana has been going through very unbearable moments since January 07, 2017, when the mantle of lead...

1st August 2017
Africa: Why a Unified Voice Remains a Dream

No African government wants this!

4th July 2017
Stop This Imprudent and Wanton Killing Along the...

Power struggle has robbed us of knowledge-reserves meant for the development our beloved Country

13th June 2017
Violence on Women and Children

Our faith gives us the foundation to build a violence-free South Africa and world, one where men and...

6th June 2017
An Open Letter to Our First Lady Seynab Abdi Moali...

Soo dhowow Marwo Seynab,We want to welcome you to the cradle of your nation, the bosom of your peopl...

15th February 2017
Momentous Judicial Decisions in Africa on March 31...

The opposition produced the best evidence ever assembled in challenging an election result that I ha...

10th April 2016
Khat: Kenya Should Embrace Diversification

As the lead UK Anti-Khat campaigner, I feel I have to respond to some astonishing statements made by...

10th April 2016
The Panama Papers

The use of offshore facilities is not in itself a crime. But the reason for it may aid and perpetuat...

19th April 2016
Winners and Champions: A Word Play?

What exactly is the difference between a champion and a winner in Tony Elumelu's definition?

10th May 2016
Open Letter to People of South Sudan

We must recognize that no tribe’s interests should be held above those of all.

15th May 2016
What Aileth Kenyan High Schools?

In Kenya, cases of high school students burning down buildings in their schools are on the rise for...

2nd August 2016
Talent Exodus: Africa’s Sports Sector Needs...

The sports sector in Africa needs to hold a stakeholders meeting to address the challenges ailing th...

23rd August 2016
Nigeria Political Killing Fields - 17 Years Runnin...

Nigeria appears rudderless and anchored on men and women who would rather be PIMPs - Put-In-My-Pock...

30th August 2016
Oromo: Why Incinerate Political Prisoners?

Various credible reports confirmed that there were a series of suspicious activities before the days...

6th September 2016
The Institutionalization of Oromo Protests

Each of us, nearly more than 50 million Oromo’s, ask ourselves everyday: why are we not free? Why do...

12th September 2016
Showing page 15 of 15 (449 articles found)

African Perceptions of the Eur...