The Ethiopian people and successive Ethiopian governments should be congratulated for self-funding a...
11th May 2023The publication captures insights from volunteer Kenyan Thought Leaders that met on July 28, 2022, t...
11th May 2023The Ethiopian people and successive Ethiopian governments should be congratulated for self-funding a...
9th May 2023Independent Power Producers (IPPs) can work closely with farmers and landowners to create an enablin...
19th April 2023Sustainable Industrial Transformation Needed to Close Development Gaps Between Countries, Meet Clima...
19th April 2023The confluence of shocks – the cascading impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine and sev...
21st March 2023If the private sector, governments and civil society work together to remove the barriers to women’s...
21st March 2023Technological progression plays a crucial role in fostering economic growth. A lack of access to tec...
28th February 2023How can Africa develop itself away from the greed of some developed nations?
28th February 2023How we plan, design, and manage cities in the developing world, therefore, will be of vital importan...
14th February 2023The perpetual conflict between cattle and crop farmers is a cause for alarm and a reason to seek las...
14th February 2023In the last decade, many of our nations have evolved modern systems for collection, collation, trans...
9th February 2023Over time, Africa has been described in various ways
9th February 2023The recently released pre-college qualification examination results in Kenya evoked an uproar with c...
31st January 2023Urbanization is taking place in Africa at a very fast and unprecedented pace.
31st January 2023South-South Cooperation is an endeavour of the developing countries from the Southern hemisphere to...
24th January 2023The South African Institute of International Affairs has put into circulation its latest policy repo...
17th January 2023Over the past several years, Russian Foreign Ministry has strengthened the military-technical cooper...
10th January 2023Our so-called ‘modern’ Nahasis (Africans) do not care about their past because it is not littered wi...
3rd January 2023“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it” – George Santayana, Spanish-American...
3rd January 2023Africa's famous proverb, "Bought things do not fill the granary," is classic advice on the importanc...
27th December 2022By definition, an objective assessment of a situation and objective decisions in any field of activi...
27th December 2022Overall, 2022 saw both positive and negative trends (as reported in International IDEA’s Global Stat...
20th December 2022The Wagner group is a private military contractor with close ties to the Kremlin
20th December 2022In recent years, amid global economic volatility and uncertainty, Africa's startup ecosystem has sho...
13th December 2022It appears from several reports that China and Russia intend to lead the new world order. Speeches f...
13th December 2022The challenge we face: a crisis of equity, of quality and of relevance
5th December 2022The diaspora is not a dismembered part of Africa, but streams from Africa, carrying precious assets,...
5th December 2022Heightened geo-political tensions, food and energy crises, climate change and migration of people wi...
28th November 2022