All articles in 'Editorial'

The IREN Technologies and Innovation Challenge – 2...

The ITIC-2018 Challenge is the Fourth edition of the on-going IREN focus on food security

1st May 2018
Africa's Debt Burden is Unsustainable

Sub-Saharan Africa’s plunge into a new debt crisis is alarming.

24th April 2018
UAE Should Respect Somalia’s Self Determination

The cultivation of a culture of respect for self-determination remains the greatest challenge to pos...

18th April 2018
Africa Must Improve Aviation Safety

2017 was reportedly a very good year for aviation safety in Sub-Saharan Africa. Some 4.1 billion tra...

11th April 2018
Winnie Mandela: Africa Must Immortalize Its Heroes...

The circumstances under which she operated were challenging.

3rd April 2018
The Africa CEO Forum and Africa’s Disruptive Techn...

Digital revolutions in particular are changing the socio-economic and political landscape in Africa

27th March 2018
Africa Continental Free Trade Area: A Step in the...

The AfCFTA is a big plus towards establishing an African agenda to negotiate with the global world.

20th March 2018
African Leaders Must Read the Pulse of Their Elect...

Lord Acton once observed that ‘power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ Burun...

14th March 2018
Indigenous Knowledge Systems Should Be Harnessed

The move taken by Kenyan meteorologists is a step in the right direction.

6th March 2018
South Sudan: Beating Swords Into Ploughshares

South Sudan must not allow itself to be a pawn in geopolitical games

27th February 2018
Wind of Change in Africa: Which Way for Africa?

Constructive dialogue among all stakeholders – authorities, opposition, media and civil society – wi...

20th February 2018
Jacob Zuma Bows to Pressure

It is Africa’s hope that the rainbow nation will navigate this tumultuous challenge soberly.

13th February 2018
Africa’s Diplomatic Spat With Brussels and Washing...

Africa must invest in tools of productivity rather than tools of destruction.

6th February 2018
Kenya Should Reclaim its Glory

Kenya, a country that has brokered peace in many nations is set to join the list of unstable countri...

30th January 2018
Africa Wishes Liberia’s President Elect George Wea...

Success will not come overnight. It will not come by pointing fingers. It will come by everyone gett...

23rd January 2018
Africa Must Be treated With Dignity

The condemning of US President Donald Trump's reference to African nations as "shitholes" by the Afr...

16th January 2018
African Union Internal Funding Bid Should Be Actua...

If African nations still rely on external funding to run their umbrella body since they got independ...

9th January 2018
Term Limits: What Africa Should Do

The earlier the continent thinks long term and works towards placing national interests above person...

3rd January 2018
Cairo-Addis Ababa Dispute Must Be Settled

Egypt and Ethiopia are embroiled in a tussle over a multi-billion dollar dam project on the Nile riv...

26th December 2017
Reclaiming Africa’s Lost Art

A people without a heritage are vulnerable to the loss of identity.

19th December 2017
African Slaves: Quick Action Needed

Only Rwanda and Niger have practically demonstrated willingness to identify with the plight of their...

12th December 2017
Africa Must Define and Articulate Her Interests

With many suitors such as China, Brazil, India, Russia, Japan and Israel courting the continent, Af...

5th December 2017
Slavery in Libya: Black Lives Matter!

Africa must realise that its population is the ultimate resource that must be treated with dignity.

28th November 2017
Mugabe Bows to Pressure

Africa, no doubt, celebrates the pan-African fervour in Mugabe. The continent should equally learn f...

22nd November 2017
Africa Should Nurture Homegrown Solutions

Most of the economic and social wellbeing challenges found in Africa can be addressed internally wit...

14th November 2017
What is Happening in Eastern Africa and the Great...

Building a strong socio-economic and political environment will catalyse investments, productivity,...

7th November 2017
Democracy in Kenya: Africa is Watching

Kenya’s political crisis demands a political solution through dialogue

31st October 2017
Stop Kenya Repeat Poll Plan

The Independent Electoral Boundaries Commission (IEBC) should not take Kenyans to an electoral exerc...

24th October 2017
The Chinese Hubei Provincial Museum Outrage: An Ey...

The continent should with equal vigour defend its citizens against injustice and exclusionary politi...

17th October 2017
Showing page 4 of 26 (755 articles found)

African Perceptions of the Eur...