Corruption can spur positive results in terms of economic and political development.
23rd March 2012As much as China has presented a window of opportunities to Africa, its increasing influence is ass...
23rd March 2012Will he be handed over to ICC where he is likely to spill beans and therefore endanger the lives of...
26th March 2012Diaspora groups may have a role to play in peace and reconstruction processes, and the governments t...
1st October 2012The need to address climate change cannot be a reason to limit the economic aspirations of the world...
25th September 2012Julius Malema Photo courtesyThose who remember how former South African...
1st October 2012For how long will the international community continue to ignore the aspirations of a whole contine...
1st October 2012Increased industrial strike actions across sub-Saharan Africa call for an urgent review of the conti...
1st October 2012For the working African masses of South Africa, history is on their side, but, not time.
1st October 2012Majority of techies who come asking for funds have the conviction that their model will work.
1st October 2012The last 63 years of China’s 5000-year history is a very small chapter. However, these 63 years have...
1st October 2012There is need for Kenya to establish mechanisms of protecting its citizens working abroad. The count...
9th October 2012Kagame's government is under increasing censureIt is regrettable that in the past decade...
2nd October 2012External interventions often contribute to a cycle of destabilizing tendencies which is why we are s...
9th October 2012A report published by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Swedish International Development...
9th October 2012Statistics still prove that majority of entrepreneurs don’t make it past the third year of operation...
9th October 2012Direct investment from Germany into Kenya has increased significantly over the last years, but remai...
9th October 2012Even though Africa boasts of millions of scholars and other professionals, one wonders the whereabou...
13th October 2012In many countries growth has not translated into sufficient jobs and a significant improvement of qu...
13th October 2012Uganda, without any doubt, will become a medium income country in the next few years and, certainly,...
13th October 2012Innovation is the key to success: but how do businesses innovate when faced with rapid global change...
16th October 2012Somalia is no longer that place to conduct a quick, shadowy deal and go unnoticed or unchallenged by...
16th October 2012We need to find means to make it easier for women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses
22nd October 2012An oil rig Photo courtesyWhether a nation...
22nd October 2012We should support old cooperatives if they are willing to re-invent themselves to new realities or r...
22nd October 2012There is a cultural dimension that is acting as a psychological block on African development.
22nd October 2012To take Africa forward, we need a different political perspective and planners who appreciate the en...
22nd October 2012It remains to be seen if Vision 2030 will change the attitude that has affected Kenya's development...
23rd October 2012Hassan Sheikh Mohamud represents the new crop of leaders who are genuine and seek to resuscitate Som...
29th October 2012EAC diplomatic missions abroad have mooted collaborative activities in their regions and countries o...
29th October 2012