The Media Advocacy West Africa Foundation (MAWA-Foundation) has uncovered how Nigerian health worker...
8th February 2022Africa needs democracy and justice that revolves around strong institutions
8th February 2022Zain Asher’s MARKETPLACE AFRICA programme on CNN, part of the “Profit Point”, sponsored by DANGOTE i...
1st February 2022Half of women working in technology believe the effects of COVID-19 have delayed their career progre...
1st February 2022The potential to increase trade, economic growth, job creation and integration across the continent...
25th January 2022Although Western countries consider their democracy to be mature, keen analysis of realities on the...
25th January 2022With this knowledge, analysts can then put in place actions to mitigate the attack or prevent a simi...
17th January 2022And while you enjoying the freedom of private air travel, spare a thought for those poor guys with a...
17th January 2022The vicious circle of war and carnage will continue in Ethiopia unless and until the concerted effor...
11th January 2022In Somalia; around 7000 babies are born annually with a congenital heart defect.
4th January 2022What we can learn from the Romans, is that it is possible to create a vast empire, made up of differ...
4th January 2022Given the tough and unprecedented times that we're in, making it into the New Year is definitely not...
4th January 2022The political history of Somalia is a sordid affair.
29th December 2021It is with great sadness that I have to announce that our dearly beloved Archbishop Emeritus of Cape...
29th December 2021The Kenyan diaspora is elated that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has added six...
21st December 2021Sceptics liken Arati’s brand of politics to that of former governors for Nairobi Mike Sonko and Ferd...
14th December 2021The Spanish priest and mystic, John of the Cross, wrote “that in the evening of our lives we will be...
14th December 2021It is now official in Kenya that cohabiting partners will not inherit the property of one lover when...
30th November 2021Denouncing Addis Ababa University’s Bid to Revoke Academic Degrees of Individuals Based on their Pol...
30th November 2021Actually, the BBI and handshake have reconfigured and redefined Kenya’s political milieu with domino...
23rd November 2021National and international laws are failing to protect women and girls from online sexual exploitati...
16th November 2021FW de Klerk transformed South Africa by consenting to the abolishment of Apartheid
16th November 2021While civil wars aren’t a new thing in Africa, most of them bear some foreign hallmarks
9th November 2021Education is a basic human right that the government has the duty to provide, not to deprive.
9th November 2021I am amused that IFC now certifies green projects
2nd November 2021Classification: OPEN LETTER H.E. António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations New YorkCa...
26th October 2021All Presidential candidates world over are gauged by voters on how they intend to bolster their coun...
30th September 2021Evidence recently shared with GSTS reveals that Ethiopian Airlines has made at least 106 multiple ro...
14th September 2021Currently, Kenya is entertained to some soap operas revolving around two fake groups, namely the hus...
10th August 2021The world is a gas chamber – inside the world are gases we need to breathe and to live
3rd August 2021